How Bugs are Collected

 How are the bugs colleced? Entomologists go to the crime scene, and study the development of bugs on the dead body to ultimately estimate the time of death. Scientists, by studying the hatching of the eggs and the cycle of development of larvae to pupa and then to the adult fly can be documented well enough to correctly estimate when death has occurred. Attracte by the smell of blood from at least 1 mile, female blowflies will arrive minutes after death and lay 200 to 500 eggs onto the body. If Forensic Entomologists spot clumps of maggots together, they generate a lot of heat, which speeds up development. There are even some instances that the insect itself can be the cause of death. Maggots can also be used as poison detectors. Forensic Entomologists can analyze the skin from dead larvae for the chemicals. There are even times when it is impossible to sample the stomach contents or blood composition of a dead person.